I am a stay at home mom to 10 and grandma to 8.  My life is full and blessed, thanks to a wonderful, caring heavenly Father and my family.

I was married for 30 years before suddenly finding myself single and raising the 7 kids at home alone.  We were foster parents for 21 years and adopted 7 of our foster children, some of whom are drug affected.  They have completely changed my viewpoint on parenting and taught me to not be so quick to criticize when you see those misbehaving children out in the community.  

I homeschooled our oldest kids until they were in middle school.  And one of them again in High school.  Several years later, I found myself homeschooling 4 of the younger ones for a couple of years before my health wouldn't let me continue.  But years have a way of changing and healing and I am once again homeschooling a high school student! :) I thoroughly enjoy homeschooling and wish I had been able to homeschool all of my children for all of their school years.  I envy families like the Duggars and the Willis Clan. They are my heroes. The difference would be that 7 of mine are not biological and as much as I despise making a distinction, it plays a big part in their behavior, their neurological make up and my ability to run a non-chaotic household. (what is that, even?!!)

My kids at home range in age from 16 to 4 years. They are a joy and also at times drive me stark raving crazy. My ultimate goal is to be a Christian mom and leave a legacy of loving children and hopefully preparing them for their eventual eternity in Heaven.  I am continually trying to improve myself and how I live my life, we are all a work in progress.  If my children still love me and their Heavenly Father at the end of the day, then I have done my job. :)