Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Daily Schedule for school

6:10 alarm goes off,  I push snooze 3 times before really getting up.

6:25 Wake up Jadin and Josiah

6:30 Make 5 bowls of nutella oatmeal

6:40 Wake up Kenna,  Colton and Kylie

7:05 Jadin out the door
          Make sure Kenna and Kylie are             dressed and comb hair

7:15 Josiah, Kenna, Colton and Kylie out the door

7:25 Wake Jessica up.
         Callie and Caleio come downstairs.      Make 2 more bowls of oatmeal. 

7:40 kids dressed

7:55 Callie and Caleio leave

8:35 take Jess to the high school for her music classes

11:25 pick Jess up from the high school

Then in the afternoons there is always a counseling appointment or 2 for somebody, followed by football practice 6-8.  Then we have our bedtime routines.

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