Saturday, November 24, 2007

You Make My Heart Melt

This has been a month of not sleeping too much. Planning the move to Idaho, kids sick and up all night, christmas shopping, on and on and no sleep. So one night I think I am FINALLY going to have some restful sleep. About one hour into my great sleep, Josiah quietly comes in and nudges me awake. "mommy"... , "(groggy moan)...hhhuuhh?" , "I'm really scared." "I dont want to sleep in my room", this was followed by several groggy suggestions from me, which didn't fly. So finally so I might get some sleep, I suggested that I would sleep in his room with him. Normally he would sleep with us, but Doug is sick, he's the 4th one to be sick and I didn't want Josiah to be the 5th one. He liked the idea of me sleeping in there, so off we went at 1 am! Well, let me explain. Their sleeping arrangements are now all 4 boys in one room, on a twin mattress and a double mattress all put together on the floor. This is because we have packed up most of their room to move. So now I'm standing in their room at 1 am, wondering WHERE am I going to sleep? It worked out quite nicely with me against the wall, Josiah facing the other way (feet to my face!) and Jadin facing the same way I was with Siah in between. Wellllll, let's just say they need a new bed. WOW has that one ever collected any possible gathering lump and bump it could find! UN-COM-FOR-TA-BLE!! So toss and wake, toss and wake....finally sleeping...Josiah asks if he can come and snuggle down beside me? Sure buddy, come on over. We snuggle. That is a very special sweet thing to be able to do. Then it's back to toss and sleep, toss and sleep.......a little voice whispers "mommy?", "yes?" I answer. "Oh, ok, I wanted to know you were still there" "I am buddy".......slight pause and then said with a sigh "Mommy, I LOVE you." and there goes my heart again......and it made all those bad lumps and bumps and smelly feet disappear. What magic words. I love you too buddy!

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