Sunday, December 23, 2007

the Wonders of LYSOL!!!

We moved our family room to the ‘red room’ downstairs. It’s nice and cozy and warm, not to mention the fact that the living room is still stuffed with boxes! So we gathered all the kids in there tonight to have a little family movie time, actually watching Clash of the Choirs…..the most AWESOME show ever! Colton disappeared into the bathroom that is connected to the room, we kept watching TV, thinking nothing of it. But pretty soon, I started smelling this overwhelming LYSOL stench! Dad quickly got up to check on the problem, and immediately turned around to hide behind the door while he was busting a gut laughing!! Seems Mr Colton, had done the deed in the recepticle, but then feeling he was not quite clean enough, used his usual methods of acquiring items that are out of his reach, got the Lysol and proceeded to spray his hinder ender!!!! And spray it and spray it and spray it!!! We are WELL disinfected and smel-lin FINE now! It’s been about 3 hours since it occurred and I still can’t get the smell out of my nose….Lysol, Lysol, everywhere I go………! I need to get him a new flavor ….AXE perhaps! And then let us not forget, that he realized he was being cute and funny and everybody was watching, so he stuck his nakey butt out the door and gave it a good Chippendales, dance jive wiggle. Which was still funny until he turned around and everybody went “EEEWWWW COLTON” “GO get your pull up on!!” I thought Denver had done all I would ever see with creative funniness, but he’s got some serious competition now! And I’m just gonna record it all so when I die, you’ll know what killed me! LOL (laughing hard, split my sides, killed me! But I died HAPPY, mama of my babies!)

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