Sunday, March 20, 2011


The sheetrock dust covers everything.

and gets into every single room.

The curtain in the living room has handprints on it.

Jadin gets to help dad and learn how to be a handyman. :-) We ran to WalMart to get sandpaper for them and Jadin wanted to stop at Goodwill for a bike helmet. We found the helmet and right there beside it was the mask he needed for sanding! God is good. :-)

This area where the plastic is used to be all wall, with a double door in it. The small wall in the foreground with the heater in it, used to continue all the way over to the left. It was a hallway with a pantry in it.

Dads helper boy. Or an alien.

This stuff is EVERYWHERE!!! Where is Jeannie from Bewitched when you need her?

HELP, I see a GHOST!

How we are living at the moment. :-) Looking forward to THE END!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow makes me tired just looking at all the work you have done and have left to do. I would love to have a handy man. Can I have one of yours you have so many?

Love ya