Saturday, October 29, 2011

Soccer game

Today Colton and Caleio had a soccer game.  Colton is a soccer BEAST. He knows when the middle school and other teams practice in the field in front of our house, so he will go down there and watch.  I think he has learned ALOT from watching them.  He has great ball control and mad skills. We were late this morning so I told the boys to run on down to the field and I would come in a bit.  I had to help Callie with her shoes and a coat whose zipper was being a booger. As we were sitting in the car I had this overwhelming feeling that Colton had just scored a goal and I had missed it. We hurried up and went to the field. I asked the mom next to me if we had scored any goals and she said no.  So I told her about my weird feeling.  Almost at the end of the game, Colton scored a goal! At the end of the game he came up to me and I said great job Colton! He said the score was 2-5. I had only seen the one goal so I asked if there had been another and he said "Yes, I scored one right after the game started." WEIRD how I had that feeling that had happened! :-) YAY Colton. 

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