Monday, November 04, 2013

McKenna's First Big Owie

McKenna decided tonight that Grammy's birthday wasn't exciting enough so she thought a trip to the ER was needed.  As Dustin and Denver were working on setting up my new TV and the surround sound, they were using a knife to splice the speaker wire.  They had set the knife on the piano and turned around to plug in the speaker.  As they turned to do that, McKenna walked by, saw the knife, picked it up and stabbed it through a piece of paper.  Problem was, she was holding that paper in her other hand and the knife went through the paper and cut her left hand webbing in between her index and middle finger.  Because it was in such a weird position, there was really no way for me to fix it at home and it looked like it may need stitches.  So off to the hospital Dustin, Kenna and I went.  Instead of stitches, they used glue and then buddy taped her fingers.  Now I need to add glue to my first aid kit at home. :)  She will heal just fine and hopefully she has learned not to play with knives. 

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