Monday, November 04, 2013

LAUNDRY: I should make a commercial for SHOUT!

So often I think I should make a commercial for SHOUT! I use that stuff by the gallons! My "to Shout!" laundry pile had been growing and growing, so today I decided to tackle it.  I sprayed Shout on clothing for NINETY minutes!!! (yes, I timed it)  You should see what a difference it makes and the pile I have during baseball season!! LOL And for some reason my boys ALWAYS seem to be placed on the teams with white or gray pants.  *heavy sigh* :)

With 7 messy children, I would have to replace clothing frequently if it wasn't for Shout.  One child in particular has extraordinarily FILTHY clothing! I think the time and effort that I put into spraying their clothes is so worth it in the long run.  I took pictures so I'd have before and afters, I will post them later. 

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