Saturday, December 29, 2007

I hear Bells.....

Colton has been more infatuated with Christmas this year then any child of ours has ever been. It is SO cute! Somewhere along the way he learned about reindeer and their bells. Maybe from a Christmas cartoon, or maybe at preschool, I'm not sure. At first he was saying "Santa coming?" "Santa bring me toys" but then it changed to "Reindeer coming?" "reindeer bring Santa, Santa bring me toys". The last few days before Christmas he began asking "reindeer coming?" almost every half hour. It was getting pretty tiresome but oh-so-cute and I would answer him "in a few more days" Soon it was Christmas Eve (thank goodness!) It was so much fun to be able to tell him Santa would be coming that night. We went in to church to the Christmas Eve service and then drove around to look at a few lights on our way home. Colton was earnestly looking out the window trying to see Santa and the reindeer streaking across the sky. Daddy was helping out by saying "(zooooomm)........there he went! Did you see him??" Colton's eyes would light up and he'd say "SEE him!!" Then he started saying "(intake of breath) I hear reindeer!!" "hear bells". We had the radio on and think it started with Christmas bells on the radio. So we said something about that and pretty soon he asked us to turn off the radio. Then he would go "BELLS!" I hear BELLS!" "Reindeer coming!!" and he would cup his hand to his ear and press it up against the window. If that is just not the cutest thing EVER! When we got home he stood out in the FREEZING cold, in the driveway looking at the moon. He said he was watching for reindeer to go by. We finally convinced him to come inside so he could leave cookies for santa and carrots for the reindeer (which we forgot!). He finally went to bed and so did all the others. But we had to turn the radio off so he could listen for "reindeer bells". Surprisingly they slept in and it was 7:45am before the first kid was up. Colton. He came into our room, eyes sparkling and said "Reindeer come??" I told him I thought they had brought Santa and he needed to wake the others up to find out. So he went to all the kids and woke them all up. "Reindeer come, santa come! Reindeer come, santa come!" He went downstairs and was so amazed at all that Santa had left. So in awe. I thought the "reindeer bells" would be laid to rest.....HAHAHA! It is now Dec 29th and he is still asking "reindeer come?" "I hear bells" We keep explaining they are home sleeping and resting for their BIG trip next year. So sometimes he'll say "reindeer sleeping?" But he still asks all the time. I wonder how many months I am going to have to answer this question daily? It is so cute though. It will be sad when the children are all grown and nobody asks "Reindeer come?"

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