Tuesday, January 01, 2008

more reindeer..........

To help those of you who are not familiar with Colton, he has a speech delay. He is a VERY smart kid, but he speaks a 'sentence' in just a few words, sometimes unintelligible, and then you play 20 questions to fill in the blanks or figure out what he's talking about. Since he is used to people not understanding him, he has picked up ALOT of pantomiming that he does along with his talking, or in place of, if we REALLY don't understand him. We have to be very careful what he sees on TV, because he likes to re-enact all of that too. A few weeks ago, we were watching a Christmas movie and it showed a man and woman in a long kiss. Colton comes over to me, climbs up in my lap, says "They did this", .....and tried to kiss me like what he'd just seen!!" EEWWW.......I'm thankful we only watch G movies!

Anyway, a few days ago (after Christmas) we were sitting in the living room having a little chit-chat with Colton. Those chit-chats can be very entertaining and he didn't let us down that night. Completely off subject, he says "Grandma", then claps his hands together, "SMASH!" "reindeer". Now you see his 'sentence' structure. We were like "HUH???!!" He repeated it. Then I started cracking up! He had watched "Grandma got run over by a reindeer" a little bit before Christmas and that was what he was talking about! What a memory and what a crazy thing to bring up. Pretty funny. He repeated it again tonight, and he continues to talk about "reindeer bells" so I guess this reindeer infatuation is going to continue...............but ya gotta love "grandma, SMASH!, reindeer!".......(sorry, mom) ;-)

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