Monday, November 04, 2013

My 48th Birthday

Dustin decided that since my TV had barely any sound, that I needed a new one for my birthday. So we went craigslist shopping and I found a 65" projection tv for FREE. He helped me go load it up (a Herculean task) and get it home. On the way home we stopped by a garage sale to get a surround system for cheapo and a desk for him. Then they loaded me up with a free couch for my bedroom, a free gorgeous giant mirror and a free lamp for my dark living room. So, yup, those were GREAT birthday presents!! Then Denver, Sarah and girls came over for tacos and the boys set up my tv and surround sound. Love that they are here to do all of that for me!

This is what Jessica posted on Facebook:
I don't know where I would be right now if I hadn't been adopted by my awesome mom. She's helped me through the hardest times. Happy Birthday Mom! I love you— feeling special with Becki Henry Knowlton.

My birthday celebration actually started the night before with a birthday dinner. Denver and Sarah took me to Texas Roadhouse for my birthday.  It was a really nice couple of hours to be with just them and not worry about the kids for awhile.  Denver said we (Sarah & I) could order whatever we wanted so we STUFFED ourselves.  I think the highlight of the night was for Denver. They told the manager it was my birthday and they made me sit on a saddle (:&) and wave a bandanna over my head while they sang a little ditty about my birthday. I was VERY embarrassed and Denver took a video, which he posted to FB.  He laughed and chuckled every time he watched it back, which was several times. LOL I am so thankful for my kids who make me feel special. LOVE them!

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